APMDC Suliyari Coal Upcoming PAN INDIA (OPEN) auction 1,00,000 MT @SBP INR 3000 /- Per MT on 12th July 2024.

APMDC Suliyari coal upcoming auction 1,00,000 MT for MP MSME on 01st AUG 2024 @ SBP INR 2516/- per MT.

Notice regarding Bidder Demo of Mid Term e-Auction of NLC India Limited Talabira II & III OCP Coal for All Sectors Namely Power Sector and Non Regulated Sector (NRS) including Traders scheduled on 25.07.2024 from 5:00 P.M. to 5:30 P.M. in Coaljunction portal

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Logistics no longer your headache

Our Coal Movement Service ensures that the your coal is delivered to destinations across India without any hassle. Right from the stage of initiating communication with the parties to the final delivery of Coal to the destinations, we cover documentation and regular follow ups at various stages.

How it works

# e-commerce

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# managing documentation

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# freight

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# co-ordination with coal company

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# payment

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# co-ordination at loading point

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# organizing rail movement

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Key service benefits

  • Co-ordination

    Financial clearance from coal companies

    Release of program from coal companies

  • Follow-ups with railways

    Sanction of rakes

    Allotment of rakes

    Timely placement of rakes

  • Facilitation and handling

    Advance rail freight payments

    Special tie-up with financial institutions